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Conference talks

What's old is new again: using Python's import machinery to handle API deprecations

I presented this talk at PyCon US 2023. For more information, see the conference program page.

Make your code come alive! Using interactive Jupyter notebooks outside of the sciences

I presented this talk at North Bay Python 2019. For more information, see the conference program.

Lightning talks

pip install ?...! Less-known places from where Python package distributions can be installed

Automate the boring stuff... maybe?

Lessons learned on the never-ending programmer's dilemma "should I do it manually or write a script?", and why automation might not always be the best strategy.

Whoa there, not so fast! Rate limiting function calls with throttling and debouncing

Stuck Sheltering at Home? Sidestep Some of the Hurdles!

Miscellaneous tips & tricks for a better SSH experience.

Why did it take 10 years for my pizza to be delivered? Real-life analogies to understand computer latencies

New CLIs in town: Shiny new alternatives to common CLI tools